Anglicans: Catholic Or Evangelical?

A learned friend of mine would answer the question in the Post Header by saying Both, which is probably correct for some of us. This post is just a stub […]

Friday Theology: John Milbank On The Church

Time to breathe life into a semi-regular feature of this blog.  It really depends on what I’m reading in any given week and whether I remember that it’s Friday. John […]

Friday Theology – David Martin

For one of my grad courses this fall, I am being introduced to the work of David Martin, a sociologist associated with the London School of Economics, and an Anglican […]

Stanley Hauerwas On Memory And Eucharistic Practice

Not everyone understands what eucharistic practice is all about. American theologican Stanley Hauerwas, however, nails it in this video from The Work of the People, a liturgical resource ministry that […]

The Truest Answer Is: “I Don’t Know Why”

The New York Times has been running a series of meditations on faith and contemporary life through this Christmas season, and yesterday offered this piece by Maureen Dowd, on the […]