Seen On The Morning Run

Anglican cemetery, Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland. Mountains in the background are typical of the landscape here in Gros Morne Ntl. Park. – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location:Main St N,Rocky […]

Seen On The Morning Run

Here’s a prank you have probably never seen before. While out runnning near my house this Tuesday morning, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of a car […]

Seen On The Afternoon Bike Ride

Taken this Friday afternoon around 1pm, on the western edge of Medicine Hat on the Ross Glen trail, overlooking Seven Persons Creek and the rail line. It looks sunny in […]

Seen on the Morning Run

This photo was take during a breather alongside the South Saskatchewan River at Strathcona Island Park in Medicine Hat last Friday, 13 April As you can see, spring has come […]

Seen On The Late Afternoon Run

Strangely warm temperatures and the blessed absence of snow and ice saw me out more often last week. While it seems like spring, the sun still sets on its winter […]

Seen On The Morning Run

Some runs are better than other ones, but even on the really good ones, when I’ve enjoyed being out and working out, I always enjoy seeing the front door of […]