I sent this out to interested parishioners past and present who are interested in the Lent Madness project from Forward Movement. I’m going to be sending something like this out every day during Lent, and will post them to this blog as well for anyone out there who finds them interesting, and if you are in that camp, by all means go to Lent Madness and play along.
Blessings, MP+
Hello and welcome to Michael’s commentary for Lent Madness 2023. Some of you are receiving this because you signed up last year and seemed to enjoy it (looking at you, friends from Trinity Church, Barrie!). Some of you are friends I’ve made at other churches, If you would rather not receive emails this year, then please let me know and I’ll tearfully remove you from the list. At any rate, I hope that you enjoyed some pancakes today and are ready for whatever Lenten discipline you’ve felt called to accept.
First, some brief housekeeping. The emails you receive from me are simply my own thoughts, hapless prognostications, comments and lame jokes. If you want to receive the official emails from the folks at Lent Madness, and you really should, then go to www.lentmadness.org and sign up – their daily emails are handy reminders for the matchups of the day and reminders to vote.
Here’s a quick summary of how it works. There are thirty-two saints in the running, and each day during Lent except on Sundays, there is a matchup between an ever decreasing field until the final two candidates go head to head for the Golden Halo. Each matchup is determined by people like you, Anglicans from across the North American church. It’s all good fun, but also an excellent way to learn about some inspiring figures of the faith.
I looked ahead and made some foolhardy predictions. It was a daunting task – how to say that John Donne’s poetry is more deserving than JS Bach’s music, or that the faith of ancient martyrs like Blandina was any less heroic than that of martyrs of our own era such as Rutilo Grande or Jonathan Daniels? At the end of the day, all of these figures are inspirational and show the Holy Spirit working across the centuries. But, it’s a game, and someone’s gotta win, so if you want to see my picks, they’re here: Lent Madness – Percentage Bracket (commoninja.com) But don’t just take my word for it – who do you like?
Make your own choices, scored on percentages of wins or on points.
But hurry – the first round of voting begins on Thursday, Feb 23, in the “Ancient and Apostolic” category as Augustine of Hippo goes up against Hippolytus in the Battle of the Megaherbivore Theologians! More thoughts on these two venerable thinkers coming soon.
Cheers and blessings,
Hello and welcome to Michael’s commentary for Lent Madness 2023. Some of you are receiving this because you signed up last year and seemed to enjoy it (looking at you, friends from Trinity Church, Barrie!). Some of you are friends I’ve made at other churches, If you would rather not receive emails this year, then please let me know and I’ll tearfully remove you from the list. At any rate, I hope that you enjoyed some pancakes today and are ready for whatever Lenten discipline you’ve felt called to accept.
First, some brief housekeeping. The emails you receive from me are simply my own thoughts, hapless prognostications, comments and lame jokes. If you want to receive the official emails from the folks at Lent Madness, and you really should, then go to www.lentmadness.org and sign up – their daily emails are handy reminders for the matchups of the day and reminders to vote.
Here’s a quick summary of how it works. There are thirty-two saints in the running, and each day during Lent except on Sundays, there is a matchup between an ever decreasing field until the final two candidates go head to head for the Golden Halo. Each matchup is determined by people like you, Anglicans from across the North American church. It’s all good fun, but also an excellent way to learn about some inspiring figures of the faith.
I looked ahead and made some foolhardy predictions. It was a daunting task – how to say that John Donne’s poetry is more deserving than JS Bach’s music, or that the faith of ancient martyrs like Blandina was any less heroic than that of martyrs of our own era such as Rutilo Grande or Jonathan Daniels? At the end of the day, all of these figures are inspirational and show the Holy Spirit working across the centuries. But, it’s a game, and someone’s gotta win, so if you want to see my picks, they’re here: Lent Madness – Percentage Bracket (commoninja.com) But don’t just take my word for it – who do you like?
Make your own choices, scored on percentages of wins or on points.
But hurry – the first round of voting begins on Thursday, Feb 23, in the “Ancient and Apostolic” category as Augustine of Hippo goes up against Hippolytus in the Battle of the Megaherbivore Theologians! More thoughts on these two venerable thinkers coming soon.
Cheers and blessings,
Who are the bookies in Vegas giving odds on?