While I ceased to be a member of the Fourth Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment on 1 June when my transfer to the Regular Force took effect, I wanted to say goodbye by attending the battalion’s change of command parade yesterday, 12 June. The parade marked the end of LCol. Brock Millman’s very successful tenure as unit CO and the beginning of LCol. Matt MacDonald’s command. The weather cooperated beautifully, a warm evening with a light breeze and clear skies. The parade took place in the parade square of historic Wolseley Barracks in London, the first facility ever built in Canada for Canadian (rather than British) troops.
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LCol Millman in center of the picture. 4RCR’s colour, bearing the regiment’s battle honours, is to his left, and is carried by Lt. Jerry Rozic. The honour guard are Sgts. Irving and Tarrington.
An award ceremony followed the parade, where I had the opportunity to present the Battalion with a set of framed prints of RCR uniforms over the last century, a gift from my late father’s estate. My dad, Maj. Allan A.S. Peterson, won the Military Cross with the First Battalion of the RCR in Korea in 1952, and was posted at Wolseley Barracks ten years later, when I was born.
LCol. Matt MacDonald, CO of 4RCR, and myself hold two of the prints which will hang within the 4RCR unit lines.
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It was my good fortune to participate in a change of command ceremony at the last base I was stationed at in the navy.
That the weather wasn’t 88 degrees with accompanying humidity probably adds to the sepia-toned memory. It’s also a plus to get to wear white when you’re standing in the sun.