A Great Weekend By A Great Lake

  Kay and I took Appa the Volksbison, our ’85 VW Vanagaon camper, down to Lake Erie this past weekend.    On the plus side, I had recently discovered that […]

A Good Day At Church

Kay and I took church with us to Rockwood Conservation Area this weekend. The traffic on the way to church was light and there was lots of parking.  We decided […]

Propane Gain

Look beneath the appalling line of rust in this photo. Ok, I hear you say, I’ll look below that appalling rust. Ummm, what exactly am I looking at? Aha! I […]

A Really Bad VW Bus Day

This shot is from a collection assembled by Jon Rafman, a series of “beautiful and strange images” captured by the Google Street View car for his project entitled “The Nine […]

Westfalia Wistfulness

Last week the housing people at CFB Suffield served notices that garage tenants had to empty them in prepartion for new doors being installed. That gave me the perfect excuse […]

Where was Mad Padre?

Mad Padre has been offline for several weeks while Mrs. Padre and I bashed around southern Alberta in our new/old VW Westfalia Vanagon camper. Today I’m clean shaven and looking […]