A Chaplain Honour Roll

Kudos to Mad Padre’s Man In Norwich for telling me about this website dedicated to UK war memorials.   Very much a work in progress at the moment, but the author […]

With The Royal Highland Fusiliers Of Canada

My friend Padre Neil is away this month at the Canadian Forces Leadership School in St. Jean, QC, getting the official training and qualifications to set the seal on his […]

Thirty Anglican Chaplains Walk Into A Bar

 Which we did, at various times during last week during our annual Retreat.  This crew is a sizeable chunk of the Anglican Military Ordinariate, the body of Anglican Church of […]

US Military To Recognize Humanism

The US Army announced recently that it would formally recognize humanism as a religious preference if soldiers elect to self-identify as humanists.   For some time a US military member, […]

With Sergeant Camopatch In Afghanistan

My friend Phil Burrows, an Anglican priest and British Army Padre with the Second Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, writes from Helmand Province in Afghanistan to tell me about a colleague […]