Rabbits In My Basement – Shout Out

No rabbits in my basement, but that’s the name of a blog launched by a friend. For several years James has been amusing his friends with wise and funny takes […]

Asian Spammers Find Mad Padre

あなたのSM度を簡単診断、SM度チェッカーで隠された性癖をチェック!真面目なあの娘も夜はドS女王様、ツンデレなあの子も実はイジめて欲しい願望があるかも!?コンパや飲み会で盛り上がること間違いなしのおもしろツールでみんなと盛り上がろう If you don’t know what this means, then sorry, I can’t help you either, other than I think it’s Japanese and not Chinese. However, I have learned two things […]

Busiest Month Yet for Mad Padre

If there’s a fringe benefit to being stuck on course at CFB Borden without a car, it’s that I had a lot of time to work on this blog. October […]