It wasn’t until yesterday in church that I learned of the death of Corporal Joshua Caleb Baker, killed in a training accident in Afghanistan on Friday, February 12th. Poor kid, between the Vancouver Olympics and the scandal over Canadian Forces Colonel Russell Williams, I wonder how many others didn’t learn of your passing.
Cpl. Baker was 24 years old, and was a reservist, serving with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, also known as the Fourth Battalion of the Princess Patricia Regiment. The “Loyal Eddies” as they are fondly known have a proud reputation in the Canadian army, going back to the battle of Ortona in Italy in 1942. Like my former battalion, 4RCR, they are one of several reserve regiments which form the fourth battalion of the three Regular Force infantry regiments.
Cpl. Baker was the 140th Canadian soldier to be killed in Afghanistan. According to CBC News, Baker’s death was not combat-related. He was killed on a shooting range near Kandhar, and four others were injured in the incident. I don’t wish to speculate on how the accident occurred, but I have watched soldiers moving through live-fire ranges and while it is a controlled environment, it is not without danger. It is also vital that soldiers acquire the experience of handling and firing live weapons in all kinds of circumstances in order to be effective on the battlefield.
Cpl. Baker’s body returned to Trenton, ON, on Monday, February 15th. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon him.
I feel the same each time that one of our young solder die it seem a peace of my soul as been removed.
You ask why and ask for protection however it seem our prayer land on death hear \Let hope the mission end soon so there no more death.