Good piece from the AFPS stresses the role that men can take in taking responsibility for their role in domestic abuse and acting to end it. The US Defence Department marks October as Domestive Violence Awareness Month. Here in Canada various jurisdictions, including Alberta, spotlight the issue during November. AS I write this, plans are in progress here at CFB Suffield to tie into local civic programs and events. FYI, a link to the Canadian Forces Take a Stand Against Family Violence program is here. MP+
By Elaine Wilson
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8, 2010 – Several years ago, I interviewed a noncommissioned officer for the base paper where I was stationed. He very bravely had agreed to talk about his experiences with domestic abuse in hopes of raising awareness of the problem.
He told me how his temper would flare up at his wife and how he would get physically aggressive with her. His anger would rage out of control, he told me, and it was difficult to suppress.
But rather than continue down a destructive path, this servicemember opted to get help. He sought assistance through the base family advocacy program and, through counseling, found the help he needed to deal with his anger and the underlying causes for his abuse. He accepted responsibility, found help early on and continued on to have a successful career and a healthy marriage.
I thought that took a lot of guts. He conveyed a strong message that it’s never too late to seek help, whether you’re the perpetrator or the victim.
The Defense Department is observing Domestic Violence Awareness Month this month by stepping up efforts to bring awareness to this pervasive issue and the resources available to prevent it.
Read the whole story here.