
Spiritual and Pastoral Care

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”.  (Matthew 25:35)

We have developed many programs for spiritual and pastoral care in our community.

Warden Liaison

Catherine Durrant

Bible Study

Father Michael

Book Club

Father Michael

To encourage personal spiritual growth though recommended reading and through subsequent group discussion in an informal, supportive environment

Church Kids (Sunday School)

Sharon Goldsworthy

Our team of leaders create a positive, fun, inclusive, Christian learning experience for children & youth. Our focus each week is based on the Sunday Bible readings used in the worship service.

Colourful Meditation

Sharon Sangster

Healing and Prayer

Sharon Goldsworthy

This group helps to raise awareness and deepen the understanding of the ministries of healing and prayer. It encourages the parishioners in their care for one another. It oversees the Prayer Circle and the Bulletin Prayer List.

Pastoral Care

Sharon Goldsworthy

The pastoral care team, overseen by Father Michael, attempts to meet the many spiritual needs of parishioners, keeping them connected to their church family in a variety of ways. It encompasses Sunday drivers, telephone calls, home visits, home communions, hospital visits, Prayer Shawl ministry, services in care facilities, the monthly Thursday afternoon communion at the church, Anointers, rides to appointments when available, etc.

Sunday Driver

Greg Goldsworthy

Provides rides to Sunday services for parishioners, as required.

Christian Education

Father Michael and our region ministers offer on going Christian education. Currently running is a series called “Anglicanism 101”

Interested in volunteering?

We would love you to participate in our ministries as you feel called. Click here to express your interest and we will get back to you. Thank you!