How Do You Like Them Apples?

  Kay and I just returned from the Berkeley Springs region of West Virginia, where we spent a week with her siblings. Since we were the advance party, we got […]

A Good Day At Church

Kay and I took church with us to Rockwood Conservation Area this weekend. The traffic on the way to church was light and there was lots of parking.  We decided […]

An Anglican Haven In Florence

This piece appeared this week in the quarterly newsletter of the Anglican Military Ordinariate (aka Canadian Forces Anglican Chaplains).  Since I edit the AMO newsletter, this publication is no great […]

The Haunted Hat

Who ya’ goin’ to call? Devoutly hoping we don’t need to call these guys once we move into our new old house in Medicine Hat next month.

With Queen Victoria in Ottawa

The 24th of May is the Queen’s birthday, so they sang in my mother’s day. Ottawa’s excellent repertory cinema, the ByTowne (another reason why I’d like to get posted to […]

Weekend in Ottawa

With the Ethics Course I’m taking having left me in Ottawa this last weekend, I thought I’d escape from papers and assignments from time to time to see some sights. […]