“Even Genghis Khan Didn’t Do This”: Mosul Empties Of Christians
Several Christian news sites are reporting that jihadists in ISIS-controlled Iraq are marking the homes of Christians with a graffiti tag, the Arabic sign “nun”, the first letter of the […]
“We Never Felt We Were Among Strangers”
Second interfaith post for today. I actually noticed this Canadian Press piece in the local paper a few weeks back and meant to post it. The story reconfirms my gratitude […]
In Afghanistan, Different Faith Leaders Talk Together
An encouraging story from the UK MOD about how Christian military chaplains can help engage with locals in religious dialoge. MP+ Religious leaders meet and forge relationships in HelmandA People […]
We have been orphaned today!” A Christian Martyr in Pakistan
A second politician who sought reform of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws has been killed.Back in January when I posted here about Salman Taseer, a man I’d never heard of until his […]