Two images from some recent runs of things that caught my attention.
Last week in downtown Calgary, during an all-too brief run along the south bank of the Bow River, I came across this carved monument, a gift to Calgary from the Hungarian Arts and Heritage Association of Alberta. It had just snowed for the first time this winter just moments ago, and my footprints were the first along the trail. If I hadn’t read the inscription, I would have guessed that the carving style was Japanese.
Seen this morning in Kin Coulee Park, Medicine Hat, during a chinook warmed and windy day. Some water continues to trickle over a little weir, while the bare trees and the dry yellow grass await the coming snow. The Park was an irresistible detour while running home after dropping my car off for its snowtire spa day. If this winter is like the last one, I’ll need those snowtires soon. It got so thick last year that the trails and roads in parks like this one were no-go for runners.
Looking great, Mike! Get the snow tyres on, indeed. By contrast, we had the first frost in my part of Hertfordshire this morning. A chilly 3 degrees celsius (although balmy by your standards!)