… But He’s Still My Hero

Anyone in the running world who has gray hair (comme moi) will have been cheered by the news last week that Fauja Singh, aged 100, finished Toronto’s waterfront marathon on 16 October and became the world’s first centarian to complete a marathon.

Fauja Singh, 100, raises his hands in celebration as he crosses the finish line in Sunday’s Toronto waterfront marathon. Singh set a world record as the oldest person to complete a race of that distance. (Canadian Press

Unfortunately, Canadian Running magazine today reports that the Guinness World Book of Records has denied Mr. Singh the record, since he can’t produce a birth certificate. Apparently official documentation wasn’t that easy to obtain in rural India in 1911, the year Mr. Singh claims he was born. I can see why Guinness wants to protect its integrity, but a half-hearted boooo escapes my lips.

No worries, Mr. Singh, you’re my running hero. And if I can complete my first marathon in under 5.40.01, the time you set as a 90+ man in 2003, then I’ll be quite happy.