An army logistician takes a lot of guff from combat arms soldiers — until they need their food, water, ammo and mail, and then it’s all smiles and thanks. In a theatre like Afghanistan, the troops running and guarding the supply convoys are as exposed to enemy threat and action as anyone else. These British army supply vehicles of the Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) show the signs of that danger, particularly in the metal grilles and cages designed to protect them from rocket propelled grenades.
The caption to this photo from the UK MOD website is below, and a longer article on RLC supply efforts in Helmand Province is here.
Here’s the caption from the UK MOD website: The Immediate Replenishment Group, part of the Transition Support Unit in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province, is currently made up of members of 40 Commando Royal Marines and the Royal Logistic Corps and is responsible for delivering a variety of stores to patrol bases and other outstations in the surrounding Afghan desert. [Picture: Leading Airman (Photographer) Rhys O’Leary, Crown Copyright/MOD 2013]